About Feather Network

Feather Network has been around since 1995 with strong self entrepenurial spirit and dedication to the information technology field.
We are highly energetic and motivated toward the look out of creating new products, tackeling challenges, taking on opportunities, and providing great services. Technology is the key strategy to stay strong and thrive to successfully build a strong and competitive market field.

Our partners diverse in services including but not limited to the fashion industry, jewelry design, software development, network engineering, cutting edge sport technology, and entertainment. Agents are located throughout the world: U.S., Canada, South America, Europe, East Europe, Middle East, and Asia.
Feather Network holds briliant minds both in the technical and the creative fields. Partnering agents gather up more then 3 decades of experience.
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Services Provided

Feather Network is dedicated to provide a large variety of services in which by most are in the computer information technology services, technical fields, and creative.
Strong in internet development, computer hardware and software, engineering, and creativity of product development and design.

Feather Network would like to consult your business for best profitability and analyse your best needs for most efficiency and productivity.
Talented in the fields of technology, programming, multimedia, and design looking to explore opportunities and expand services where the sky is the limit.

Some of our services including but not limited to:
Computer repairs, hardware, networking, software, internet, multimedia presentations, programming, mechanical and technical fields.
Also web page design and authorizing, multimedia design and authorizing, advertising design, graphic layouts, 3D modeling architecture, and animation.
Contact us for more information.


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Affiliates or Partners

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